Principle Investigator (PI)
- TUBITAK, (2022-2024), "Mikroplastiklerin Biyofilm Patojenitelerinin Araştırılması: Hidrodinamik Taşınım Modelleri ile Çevresel Risk Analizi (TUBITAK 3501, Grant Number 122Y259)" ,Co-PI: Dr. Zuhal Akyürek
- TUBITAK, (2022-2025), "High Resolution Assessment of the Climate Change Impacts over Extreme Precipitation in Turkey using State of the Art Climate (CMIP6) Models (TUBITAK 3501, Grant Number 122Y259)" ,Co-PI: Dr. Tuğrul Yilmaz
- TUBITAK, (2022-2025), "Improving Hydrological Predictions using a Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Model and Remotely Sensed Products: Utility of Model Calibration and Data Assimliation Techniques (TUBITAK 1001, Grant Number 121Y468)" ,Co-PI: Dr. Tuğrul Yilmaz
- TUBITAK, (2022-2025), "Investigation of the Effects of Climate Change on Surface Water Potential in Coruh Basin and Energy Production in Successive Dams (TUBITAK 1001, Grant Number 121Y456)" ,Co-PI: Dr. Tuğrul Yilmaz
- TUBITAK, (2020-2023), "Climate Change Effects on Trophic Structure and Dynamics in Saline and Brackish Water Based on a Space-For-Time Field Sampling, Controlled Mesocosm Experiments, Paleoecology, Remote Sensing and Modelling (Clim-Saltlakes)" ,Co-PI: Dr. Zuhal Akyürek
- TUBITAK, (2019-2021), " Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow and Hydropower in Antalya, Turkey" ,Grant Number: 118Y365, PI: Dr. Elçin Kentel, Co-PI: Dr. İsmail Yücel
- TUBITAK, (2018-2021), "Evaluation of Integrated Atmospheric-Hydrologic Modeling System for Flood Events at Two Different Basins" Grant Number: 116Y193, PI: Dr. İsmail Yücel, Rs: Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz
- TUBITAK, (2019-2020), "Analysis of the Variability of the Change in the Groundwater Mass over Euprates-Tigris Basin" ,Grant Number: 119Y101, PI: Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz
- TUBITAK, (2019-2020), "Evaluation of Model-Based Short-Term Precipitation Forecast over Complex Topography" ,Grant Number: 119Y093, PI : Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz
- TUBITAK, (2017-2020), "Estimation Of Homogeneous High-Resolution Radar Based Precipitation Map Improved Using Station Based Observations Over Turkey", Grant Number: 117Y118, PI: Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz, Co-PI: Dr. İsmail Yücel
- TUBITAK, (2016-2019), "Development of a geographical information systems based decision-making tool for water quality management of Ergene watershed using pollutant fingerprints", Grant Number: 115Y064, Co-PI: Dr. Elçin Kentel
- TUBITAK, (2015-2018), "Evaluation of soil moisture observations using hydrological model simulations and remote sensing-based retrievals observations", Grant Number: 114Y676, PI: Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz
- TUBITAK, (2017-2019), "Evaluation of Water-Energy-Food Nexus at Sakarya Basin", Grant Number: 116Y166, Co-PI: Dr. Elçin Kentel
- TUBITAK, (2016-2019), "Determination of hydrologic cycle parameters with a conceptual hydrologic model", Grant Number: 115Y041, PI: Dr. Zuhal Akyürek, Co-PIs: Dr. Elçin Kentel, Dr. Melih Yanmaz, Dr. İsmail Yücel, Dr. Nuri Merzi
- EU HORIZON2020, (2020-2024), "PONDERFUL: Pond Ecosystems for Resilient Future Landscapes in A Changing Climate", Grant Number:869296, Co-PI: Dr. Zuhal Akyürek
EUMETSAT (European Organisation fort the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites)
- EUMETSAT, (2022-2027), "Hydrological Satellite Application Facilities Project Continuous Development and Operation Phase 4", Local Coordinator: Dr. Zuhal Akyurek
- EUMETSAT, (2017-2022), "Hydrological Satellite Application Facilities Project Continuous Development and Operation Phase 3", Local Coordinator: Dr. Zuhal Akyurek
Marie Curie FP7 Career Integration Grant
- Marie Curie FP7 Career Integration Grant , (2014-2018), "Improving Predictions of Vegetation Condition by Optimally Merging Satellite Remote Sensing-based Soil Moisture Products", SOILMOISTURE, Grant Number: 630110, PI: Dr. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz
- BAP, (2018-2019), "Comparison of Frequency Analysis with Density Based Clustering in Evaluating Extreme Streamflows", PI: Dr. Elçin Kentel