Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde (Temsili)
Zaifoglu, H., Yanmaz, A. M., and Kocyigit, M. B. (2022): Investigation of Trends and Non-stationarity in Hydrologic Variables in the Western Black Sea Basin, Turkey. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Afshar, M.H., Bulut, B., Duzenli, E., M. Amjad, Yilmaz, M.T. (2022). Spatiotemporal variability of the consistency among meteorological and agricultural drought indices over diverse climate and land use, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 316, 108848
Süleyman Selim Çallı, Kübra Özdemir Çallı, M. Tuğrul Yılmaz, Mehmet Çelik (2022). Contribution of the satellite-data driven snow routine to a karst hydrological model, Journal of Hydrology, 607, 127511
Kuter S., Bolat K., Akyurek Z. (2022) , “A machine learning-based accuracy enhancement on EUMETSAT H-SAF H35 effective snow-covered area product”. Remote Sensing of Environment
Mehmet Arda Çolak, Barış Öztaş, İbrahim Kaan Özgencil, Melisa Soyluer, Mustafa Korkmaz, Arely Ramírez-García, Melisa Metin, Gültekin Yılmaz, Serhat Ertuğrul, Ülkü Nihan Tavşanoğlu, Cihelio Alves Amorim, Can Özen, Meral Apaydın Yağcı, Abdulkadir Yağcı, Juan Pablo Pacheco, Korhan Özkan, Meryem Beklioğlu, Erik Jeppesen, Zuhal Akyurek, (2022) “Increased Water Abstraction and Climate Change Have Substantial Effect on Morphometry, Salinity, and Biotic Communities in Lakes: Examples from the Semi-Arid Burdur Basin (Turkey)”. Water,
Duygu M.B., Akyurek Z (2022). Kozmik Işın Nötron Sayacı ile Ölçülen Toprak Neminin Hidrolojik Modellerde Kullanımı, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası Teknik Dergi, Cilt 33, Sayı 6,
Yıldız S., Özkaya M., Akyurek Z. iKarsu Eşdeğerinin Belirlenmesinde Yeni Yöntemler, DSİ Teknik Bülteni, Sayı 140, 21-28. Temmuz 2022
Heves Pilatin, Ismail Yucel, Eren Duzenli, M. Tugrul Yilmaz (2021). Sensitivity of WRF- derived hydrometeorological extremes to sea surface temperatures in regions with complex topography and climate: Case studies for the Mediterranean and Eastern Black Sea, Atmospheric Research, 264, 105816
Kilicarslan B. M., Yucel I., Pilatin H., Duzenli, E., and Yilmaz, M. T. (2021). Improving WRF-Hydro runoff simulations of heavy floods through the sea surface temperature fields with higher spatio-temporal resolution, Hydrological Processes, 35(9), e14338
Aziz, R., & Yucel, I. (2021). Assessing nonstationarity impacts for historical and projected extreme precipitation in Turkey. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 143(3), 1213-1226.
Oruc, S., Yucel, I., & Yilmaz, A. Investigation of the Effect of Climate Change on Extreme Precipitation: Capital Ankara Case. Teknik Dergi, 33(2).
Afshar, M.H., Al-Yaari, A., & Yilmaz, M.T. (2021). Comparative Evaluation of Microwave L-band VOD and Opti-cal NDVI for Agriculture Drought Detection over central Europe. Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1251, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13071251.
Bagcaci, S.C., Yucel, I., Duzenli, E. & Yilmaz, M.T. (2021). Intercomparison of the Expected Change in the Temperature and the Precipitation retrieved from CMIP6 and CMIP5 Climate Projections: A Mediterranean Hot Spot Case, Turkey. Atmospheric Research, 256, 105576
Yagci, A.L., & Yilmaz, M.T. (2021). Mapping and Monitoring of Soil Moisture, Evapotranspiration and Agricultural Drought. Agro-geoinformatics – Theory and Practice, Springer, 978-3-030-66387-2
Duzenli E., Yucel I., Pilatin H., & Yilmaz M. T. (2021). Evaluating the performance of a WRF initial and physics ensemble over Eastern Black Sea and Mediterranean regions in Turkey. Atmospheric Research, 248, 105184,
Calamak, M., Kilic, Y., & Yanmaz, A.M. (2020), “On the Stability of Moderate Height Berm-Type Earthen Dams: The Hancagiz Dam Example, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer, 38, pp. 4169–4179.
Yavuz, C., Kentel, E., & Aral, M.M. (2020) “Climate Change Risk Evaluation of Tsunami Hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea”, Water, 12(10), 2881
Yavuz, C., Kentel, E., & Aral, M.M. (2020) “Tsunami risk assessment: economic, environmental and social dimensions”, Natural Hazards, published online 14 August 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-020-04226-y.
Afshar M.H., Şorman A. Ü., Tosunoğlu F., Bulut B., Yilmaz M. T., & Mehr A. D. (2020). Multivariate Drought Analysis under Climate Change using Copula Formulation over Ankara in Turkey, Theor Appl Climatol, 141, 1045–1055
Mesta, B., Akgun, O. B., & Kentel, E. (2020). Alternative solutions for long missing streamflow data for sustainable water resources management. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-24.
Duzenli, E., Yucel, I., Pilatin, H., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2020). Evaluating the performance of a WRF initial and physics ensemble over Eastern Black Sea and Mediterranean regions in Turkey. Atmospheric Research, 105184.
Aziz, R., Yucel, I., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2020). Nonstationarity impacts on frequency analysis of yearly and seasonal extreme temperature in Turkey. Atmospheric Research, 104875.
Mohsenizadeh, M., Tural, M. K., & Kentel, E. (2020). Municipal solid waste management with cost minimization and emission control objectives: A case study of Ankara. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101807
Amjad, M., Yilmaz, M. T., Yucel, I., & Yilmaz, K. K. (2020). Performance Evaluation of Satellite-and Model-based Precipitation Products over Varying Climate and Complex Topography. Journal of Hydrology, 124707
Akay, H., Baduna Kocyigit, M., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2019). Development of a safety-inspection method for river bridges in Turkey. Water, 11(9), 1902
Zaifoglu, H., Yanmaz, A. M., & Akintug, B. (2019). Developing flood mitigation measures for the northern part of Nicosia. Natural Hazards, 98(2), 535-557.
Daghestani, T., Calamak, M., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2019). On the Optimum Layout of a Drainage Gallery in Concrete Gravity Dams On Isotropic Foundation. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 25(4), 345-358.
Ak, M., Kentel, E., & Savasaneril, S. (2019). Quantifying the revenue gain of operating a cascade hydropower plant system as a pumped-storage hydropower system. Renewable energy, 139, 739-752.
Yilmaz, M., Calamak, M., & Yanmaz, A. M.: Reliability-based evaluation of scour around dual bridge piers, GRAĐEVINAR, 71 (2019) 9, pp. 739-747.
Piazzi, G., Tanis, C.M., Kuter, S., Simsek, B., Puca, S., Toniazzo, A., Takala, M., Akyürek, Z., Gabellani, S., & Arslan, A.N. Cross-Country Assessment of H-SAF Snow Products by Sentinel-2 Imagery Validated against In-Situ Observations and Webcam Photography. Geosciences 2019, 9, 129.
Arslan, A. N., & Akyürek, Z. (2019). Special Issue on Remote Sensing of Snow and Its Applications. Geosciences, 9, 277.
Duygu, M. B., & Akyürek, Z. (2019). Using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes in Validating Satellite Soil Moisture Products and Land Surface Models. Water, 11(7), 1362.
Ozkaya, A., Akyurek, Z. Evaluating the use of bias-corrected radar rainfall data in three flood events in Samsun, Turkey. Nat Hazards 98, 643–674 (2019).
Ozkaya, A., & Akyurek, Z. WRF-Hydro Model Application in a Data-Scarce, Small and Topographically Steep Catchment in Samsun, Turkey. Arab J Sci Eng (2019).
Afshar, M. H., Yilmaz, M. T., & Crow, W. T. (2019). Impact of Rescaling Approaches in Simple Fusion of Soil Moisture Products. Water Resources Research, 55(9), 7804-7825.
Bulut, B., Yilmaz, M. T., Afshar, M. H., Şorman, A. Ü., Yücel, İ., Cosh, M. H., & Şimşek, O. (2019). Evaluation of Remotely-Sensed and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products According to Different Soil Type, Vegetation Cover and Climate Regime Using Station-Based Observations over Turkey. Remote Sensing, 11(16), 1875
Calamak, M., Yilmaz, A. N., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2018). Performance evaluation of internal drains of earthen dams. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(6), 04018085.
Calamak, M., & Melih Yanmaz, A. (2018). Assessment of core-filter configuration performance of rock-fill dams under uncertainties. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(4), 06018006.
Kızılduman, H. S., Yanmaz, A. M., & Caner, A. (2018). Stability of bridge piers subjected to a probable flood event followed by a probable seismic event. Journal of performance of constructed facilities, 32(1), 04017120.
Zaifoglu, H., Akintug, B., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2018). Regional frequency analysis of precipitation using time series clustering approaches. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23(6), 05018007.
Duzenli, E., Tabari, H., Willems, P., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2018). Decadal variability analysis of extreme precipitation in Turkey and its relationship with teleconnection patterns. Hydrological processes, 32(23), 3513-3528
Kuter, S., Akyurek, Z., & Weber, G. W. (2018). Retrieval of fractional snow covered area from MODIS data by multivariate adaptive regression splines. Remote Sensing of Environment, 205, 236-252.
Zaifoğlu, H., Akıntuğ, B., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2017). Quality control, homogeneity analysis, and trends of extreme precipitation indices in Northern Cyprus. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22(12), 05017024.
Afshar, M. H., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2017). The added utility of nonlinear methods compared to linear methods in rescaling soil moisture products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 196, 224-237.
Ak, M., Kentel, E., & Savasaneril, S. (2017). Operating policies for energy generation and revenue management in single-reservoir hydropower systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1253-1261.
Ak, M., Kentel, E., & Kucukali, S. (2017). A fuzzy logic tool to evaluate low-head hydropower technologies at the outlet of wastewater treatment plants. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 727-737.
Ari, O., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2017). A methodology for optimal layout design of pressure cells for concrete faced rockfill dams. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-8.
Calamak, M., Yanmaz, A. M. & Kentel, E. (2017). Probabilistic evaluation of the effects of uncertainty in transient seepage parameters. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143
Engin, B. E., Yücel, I., & Yilmaz, A. (2017). Assessing different sources of uncertainty in hydrological projections of high and low flows: case study for Omerli Basin, Istanbul, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(7), 347.
Kızılduman, H. S., Yanmaz, A. M., & Caner, A. (2017). Stability of Bridge Piers Subjected to a Probable Flood Event Followed by a Probable Seismic Event. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(1), 04017120.
Koçyiğit, M. B., Akay, H., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2017). Effect of watershed partitioning on hydrologic parameters and estimation of hydrograph of an ungauged basin: a case study in Gokirmak and Kocanaz, Turkey. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10(15), 331.
Kuter, S., Weber, G. W., & Akyürek, Z. (2017). A progressive approach for processing satellite data by operational research. Operational Research, 17(2), 371-393.
Özcan, Z., Başkan, O., Düzgün, H. Ş., Kentel, E., & Alp, E. (2017). A pollution fate and transport model application in a semi-arid region: Is some number better than no number?. Science of the Total Environment, 595, 425-440.
Özcan, Z., Kentel, E., & Alp, E. (2017). Evaluation of the best management practices in a semi-arid region with high agricultural activity. Agricultural Water Management, 194, 160-171.
Wilusz, D. C., Zaitchik, B. F., Anderson, M. C., Hain, C. R., Yilmaz, M. T., & Mladenova, I. E. (2017). Monthly flooded area classification using low resolution SAR imagery in the Sudd wetland from 2007 to 2011. Remote Sensing of Environment, 194, 205-218.
Yilmaz, M., Yanmaz, A. M., & Koken, M. (2017). Clear-water scour evolution at dual bridge piers. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 298-307.
Afshar, M. H., Sorman, A. U., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2016). Conditional Copula-Based Spatial–Temporal Drought Characteristics Analysis—A Case Study over Turkey. Water, 8(10), 426.
Bulut, B., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2016). Analysis of the 2007 and 2013 Droughts in Turkey by NOAH Hydrological Model.
Calamak, M., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2016). Uncertainty Quantification of Transient Unsaturated Seepage through Embankment Dams. International Journal of Geomechanics, 17(6), 04016125.
Ergen, K., & Kentel, E. (2016). An integrated map correlation method and multiple-source sites drainage-area ratio method for estimating streamflows at ungauged catchments: A case study of the Western Black Sea Region, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 309-320.
Gencoglu, G., & Merzi, N. (2016). Trading-off Constraints in the Pump Scheduling Optimization of Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), 10(1), 135-143.
Hundecha, Y., Sunyer, M. A., Lawrence, D., Madsen, H., Willems, P., Bürger, K., Kriauciuniene, J., Loukas, A., Martinkova, M., Osuch, M., Vasiliades, L., von Christierson, B., Vormoor, K., & Yucel, I. (2016). Inter-comparison of statistical downscaling methods for projection of extreme flow indices across Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 1273-1286.
Kara, F., Yucel, I., & Akyurek, Z. (2016). Climate change impacts on extreme precipitation of water supply area in Istanbul: Use of ensemble climate modelling and geo-statistical downscaling. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(14), 2481-2495.
Özcan, Z., Kentel, E., & Alp, E. (2016). Determination of unit nutrient loads for different land uses in wet periods through modelling and optimization for a semi-arid region. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 40-49.
Yilmaz, M. T., Crow, W. T., & Ryu, D. (2016). Impact of Model Relative Accuracy in Framework of Rescaling Observations in Hydrological Data Assimilation Studies. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(8), 2245-2257.
Kara, F., & Yucel, I. (2015). Climate change effects on extreme flows of water supply area in Istanbul: utility of regional climate models and downscaling method. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(9), 1-18.
Kuter, S., Weber, G. W., Akyürek, Z., & Özmen, A. (2015). Inversion of top of atmospheric reflectance values by conic multivariate adaptive regression splines. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 23(4), 651-669.
Sunyer Pinya, M. A., Hundecha, Y., Lawrence, D., Madsen, H., Willems, P., Martinkova, M., Vormoor, K., Bürger, K., Hanel, M., Kriauciuniene, J., Loukas, A., Osuch, M., & Yucel, I. (2015). Inter-comparison of statistical downscaling methods for projection of extreme precipitation in Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(4), 1827-1847.
Yucel, I. (2015). Assessment of a flash flood event using different precipitation datasets. Natural Hazards, 79(3), 1889-1911.
Güventürk, A., & Sen, O. L. (2015). Climate change impacts on snowmelt runoff for mountainous transboundary basins in eastern Turkey. International Journal of Climatology, 35(2), 215-228.
Yucel, I., Onen, A., Yilmaz, K. K., & Gochis, D. J. (2015). Calibration and evaluation of a flood forecasting system: Utility of numerical weather prediction model, data assimilation and satellite-based rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 523, 49-66.
Ak, M., Yanmaz, A. M., & Kentel, E. (2014). A comparative study on energy income estimation: A case study in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 700-705.
Ayvaz, M. T., & Kentel, E. (2014). Identification of the best booster station network for a water distribution system. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(5), 04014076.
Crow, W. T., & Yilmaz, M. T. (2014). The Auto‐Tuned Land Data Assimilation System (ATLAS). Water Resources Research, 50(1), 371-385.
Parinussa, R. M., Yilmaz, M. T., Anderson, M. C., Hain, C. R., & Jeu, R. A. M. (2014). An intercomparison of remotely sensed soil moisture products at various spatial scales over the Iberian Peninsula. Hydrological Processes, 28(18), 4865-4876.
Surer, S., Parajka, J., & Akyurek, Z. (2014). Validation of the operational MSG-SEVIRI snow cover product over Austria. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(2), 763-774.
Yilmaz, M. T., & Crow, W. T. (2014). Evaluation of assumptions in soil moisture triple collocation analysis. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15(3), 1293-1302.
Yilmaz, M. T., Anderson, M. C., Zaitchik, B., Hain, C. R., Crow, W. T., Ozdogan, M., Chun, J. A., and Evans, J. (2014), Comparison of prognostic and diagnostic surface flux modeling approaches over the Nile River basin, Water Resour. Res., 50, 386– 408, doi:10.1002/2013WR014194.
Yucel, I., & Onen, A. (2014). Evaluating a mesoscale atmosphere model and a satellite-based algorithm in estimating extreme rainfall events in northwestern Turkey. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14(3), 611-624
Aydin, N. Y., Kentel, E., & Duzgun, H. S. (2013). GIS-based site selection methodology for hybrid renewable energy systems: A case study from western Turkey. Energy Conversion and Management, 70, 90-106.
Kentel, E., & Alp, E. (2013). Hydropower in Turkey: economical, social and environmental aspects and legal challenges. Environmental Science & Policy,31, 34-43.
Yilmaz, M. T., & Crow, W. T. (2013). The optimality of potential rescaling approaches in land data assimilation. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(2), 650-660.
Bostan, P. A., Heuvelink, G. B. M., & Akyurek, S. Z. (2012). Comparison of regression and kriging techniques for mapping the average annual precipitation of Turkey. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 19, 115-126.
Ozdarici Ok, A., & Akyurek, Z. (2012). A segment-based approach to classify agricultural lands by using multi-temporal optical and microwave data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(22), 7184-7204.
Surer, S., & Akyurek, Z. (2012). Evaluating the utility of the EUMETSAT HSAF snow recognition product over mountainous areas of eastern Turkey. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(8), 1684-1694.
Yilmaz, M. T., DelSole, T., & Houser, P. R. (2012). Reducing water imbalance in land data assimilation: Ensemble filtering without perturbed observations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(1), 413-420.
Yilmaz, M. T., Crow, W. T., Anderson, M. C., & Hain, C. (2012). An objective methodology for merging satellite‐and model‐based soil moisture products. Water Resources Research, 48(11).
Akyurek, Z., Surer, S., & Beser, Ö. (2011). Investigation of the snow‐cover dynamics in the Upper Euphrates Basin of Turkey using remotely sensed snow‐cover products and hydrometeorological data. Hydrological Processes, 25(23), 3637-3648.
Bay, E., Yucel, I., Kovacs, T., & Mccormick, M. P. (2011). Effects of implementing satellite observed aerosols into a mesoscale atmosphere model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(19), 5505-5525.
Turan, K. H., & Yanmaz, A. M. (2011). Reliability-based optimization of river bridges using artificial intelligence techniques. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 38(10), 1103-1111.
Yanar, T. A., & Akyürek, Z. (2011). Fuzzy model tuning using simulated annealing. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7), 8159-8169.
Yanmaz, A. M., & Apaydin, M. (2011). Bridge scour risk assessment and countermeasure design. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 26(4), 499-506.
Yanmaz, A. M., & Ari, O. (2011). A study on dam instrumentation retrofitting. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(2), 317-325.
Yilmaz, M. T., DelSole, T., & Houser, P. R. (2011). Improving land data assimilation performance with a water budget constraint. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12(5), 1040-1055.
Yucel, I., Kuligowski, R. J., & Gochis, D. J. (2011). Evaluating the hydro-estimator satellite rainfall algorithm over a mountainous region. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(22), 7315-7342.
Akyurek, Z., Hall, D. K., Riggs, G. A., & Sensoy, A. (2010). Evaluating the utility of the ANSA blended snow cover product in the mountains of eastern Turkey. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(14), 3727-3744.
Yilmaz, M. T., & DelSole, T. (2010). Predictability of seasonal precipitation using joint probabilities. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(2), 533-541.
Kentel, E. (2009). Estimation of river flow by artificial neural networks and identification of input vectors susceptible to producing unreliable flow estimates. Journal of Hydrology, 375(3), 481-488.
Yanmaz, A. M., & Kose, O. (2009). A semi-empirical model for clear-water scour evolution at bridge abutments. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47(1), 110-118.
Yanmaz, A. M., & Sezgin, O. I. (2009). Evaluation Study on the Instrumentation System of Cindere Dam. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 23(6), 415-422.
Caner, A., Yanmaz, A. M., Yakut, A., Avsar, O., & Yilmaz, T. (2008). Service life assessment of existing highway bridges with no planned regular inspections. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 22(2), 108-114.
Yanmaz, A. M., & Gunindi, M. E. (2008). Assessment of overtopping reliability and benefits of a flood detention dam. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,35(10), 1177-1182.
Kentel, E., & Aral, M. M. (2007). Fuzzy multiobjective decision-making approach for groundwater resources management. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12(2), 206-217.
Kentel, E., & Aral, M. M. (2007). Risk tolerance measure for decision-making in fuzzy analysis: a health risk assessment perspective. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 21(4), 405-417.
Yanmaz, A. M., Caner, A., & Berk, A. (2007). Renovation of a safety-inspection methodology for river bridges. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 21(5), 382-389.